I must tell you that my mind is completely wrapped around yesterday's tragedy in Virginia and I am looking for a way to quell the anger that is in me towards the people and agencies already calling for more gun
confiscation control as a result of this madman's terrible actions. I've changed the quote at the top of the page today to reflect my feelings about this event. But
Connie DuToit has published as fine an essay as you will ever read on the subject of gun control, why it doesn't work and why calling for more laws before these young people are even identified is loathsome politicing at its very worst. One small quote-
Look, we don’t give a damn about being called names. It demonstrates both your loathing of all things manly as well as your inability to bring any valid points to the discussion. The reason we don’t respond to it is because it makes you look foolish, and we’re adults, not children.
You really have to read the whole thing.
I've got my dander up about this subject and I'm looking for a method and direction to affect some change in America's behavior and thought processes.
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